In the mysterious Golgo 13 - Top Secret Episode you are a top secret agent and have to take on the mission of a lifetime to uncover the strange truths about the crazy mission you've been sent on and save the day. Starting in Berlin, travel the world exploring the streets and looking for contacts to help solve the puzzle and bring the criminals to justice!
For other crazy and cool games from this epic genre then you need to take the time to test your skills by playing Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes, Altered Beast and the incredible Spider-Man & Venom: Separation Anxiety! To take a look at all the other great games we have available from this cool console click on over to the Nintendo NES section of the site.
Up/down/left/right: Use ARROWS
Start: Enter
Select/Mode: Space
A-key: Press Z
B-key: Press X
C-key: Press C
X-key: Press A
Y-key: Press S
Z-key: Press D