Select your team and then prepare yourself to embark on an epic journey to explore new lands and question your very existence in the amazingly cool Final Fantasy. Take control of your team and head out into the world to explore new areas, meet people and do battle against anyone trying to do you harm! Uncover the mysteries to solve the ancient riddles and restore peace to your lands.
For big fans of the Final Fantasy dynasty who are on the hunt for more cool classics from the series then you will definitely get a kick out of other great games, much like Final Fantasy Legend III, Final Fantasy VI Advance, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy IV Advance, Final Fantasy V Advance and definitely tthe awesome Final Fantasy II!
Up/down/left/right: Use ARROWS
Start: Enter
Select/Mode: Space
A-key: Press Z
B-key: Press X
C-key: Press C
X-key: Press A
Y-key: Press S
Z-key: Press D